NPR Next Generation Radio

Stories about community | Next Generation Radio at USC Annenberg 2016

Next Gen Radio tuned me into the world of public radio

Participating in NPR’s Next Generation Radio program is the best way I could have imagined spending the spring break of my senior year. As a print and digital journalism major, I am not familiar with radio production. Yet in these short five days, I was initiated me into this niche journalism culture.

I walk away from the week with a deeper appreciation for sound, precision and interviewing skills. I definitely feel more devoted to the craft.  Alex Cohen of KPCC told the group, radio storytelling is a skill that can only be honed with practice. I’ll get lots of that during my internship at Marketplace Radio.

Participant Jordyn Holman and mentor Devin Robins review story structure.

Participant Jordyn Holman and mentor Devin Robins review story structure.

Thanks to my mentor, Devin Maverick Robins, who spent her whole week guiding me through my first radio piece. I have a new appreciation for radio producers! And I can’t forget about Drew Jostad, who — after two hours — showed me the delicacy of audio engineering.

Also thanks to NPR’s Next Generation Radio project I’ve spent more time in churches, thinking about how much is enough to tithe than I have this entire year. This experience offered me a fresh perspective on my religion and future career. For these two things, I’m forever grateful that I was able to participate.

My layout in audition that had five tracks of audio.

My layout in audition that had five tracks of audio.

And for viewers like you — you who have been reading my posts, following my Tweets and listening to my audio projects — thank you.


Jordyn Holman

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